JuicyAds donates to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami relief, goes Carbon Neutral
When you think of “Green” and “Eco-Friendly” companies, you generally don’t think about porn. JuicyAds is making its move to being not only a Green company, but to also be socially responsible. Its recent donation towards helping victims of the Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami are only its most recent commitments to society and our environment.
“Watching the news footage of the disaster in Japan was absolutely shocking and I immediately felt we needed to help,” stated Juicy Jay, founder of JuicyAds. “It doesn’t matter how much you donate, I just hope that others will. Many people have lost everything they had, many families lost loved ones.”
JuicyAds started its charitable efforts with small donations to the World Wildlife Fund last year, but has no plans of stopping there. As of today, the company became the first, if not the only, adult traffic company to go Carbon-neutral.
“There is no reason why more companies in adult are not doing more of this. Adult is unique because there are so many virtual companies in this industry. Virtual Companies are highly digital, have little to no commute costs, lower overhead costs, bigger margins, and are highly affordable to offset.”
Through its donations, JuicyAds is not only Carbon-neutral, it’s actually Carbon-negative. This means their donations result in offsetting more carbon than it produces during its business efforts. JuicyAds is a marketplace for Publishers and Advertisers to improve their profits by buying and selling advertising spots on adult websites. For more information, visit www.juicyads.com.