JuicyAds and Voluum Integration

JuicyAds and Voluum Integration

Voluum is a leading performance-tracking software used by digital marketers to track, manage, and optimize online advertising campaigns. It provides real-time reporting, advanced targeting, automation, and easy integrations with numerous advertising networks, including JuicyAds. Voluum’s user-friendly interface and robust features make it an essential tool for optimizing marketing efforts and maximizing ROI.

Adding JuicyAds As A Traffic Source In Voluum

Create a traffic source elementĀ 

Voluum provides you with the JuicyAds traffic source template, so you can use it and skip most of the manual setup. In order to use this template, perform the following steps:

1. In Voluum, go to Traffic sources.

2. Click the Create button and select the Traffic source option from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the JuicyAds template from the list of available templates.

4. Click the Next button. The New traffic source form will appear.

5. You can change or adjust any option in the New traffic source form. Once you have done so, click the Save button.

Create a campaign

In Voluum, go to Campaigns, click the Create button and select the Campaign Simple or Campaign Advanced option.

1. In the New campaign form, select the Private Workspace that you want this campaign to be assigned to from the Workspace drop-down menu.

2. Select the JuicyAds traffic source that you have just created from the Traffic source drop-down menu.

3. Provide a name for the campaign in the Campaign name text field.

4. (Optionally) Select a lander you have previously created from the Landers drop-down menu.

5. Select an offer from the Offers drop-down menu.

6. Click the Save button.

7. Click the Copy button next to the campaign URL to copy it to the clipboard and paste it to any text editing tool.

8. Click the Done button.

Create a campaign in JuicyAds

Once that is completed, create your campaign in JuicyAds using the link provided to you by Voluum as your Campaign URL.


For more information, please check:

Documentation in Voluum.

Documentation in JuicyAds.