Using Dynamic Linking (Macros/Tokens) with JuicyAds

Using Dynamic Linking (Macros/Tokens) with JuicyAds



Dynamic Links, also known as macros and tokens, are simply tracking variables added to a URL string to perform certain functions such as tracking impressions, geo location, devices and more.

When JuicyAds advertisers add these tokens to the end of their URLs, we are able to pass back information into the URL string that they can use to analyze campaign data in order to optimize their campaigns to maximize potential earnings.

Example #1…{dynamicGEO}


Country code will be given within the parameters


Example #2{dynamicSITE}&tour=wFE6&campaign=DPLqH


Site ID# will be given within the parameters


Example #3:

When using more than one Dynamic Link, please connect them with the use of an underscore…{dynamicGEO}_{dynamicSITE}_{dynamicCMP}

Result:…IN_54321_10251 (Geo_SiteID#_CampaignID)


Current List of Dynamic Links/Macros/Tokens


The Publisher ID

[Available for Banners and Pops]



The SiteID # the ad was displayed on.

[Available for Banners and Pops]



The AdZone ID# the ad was displayed on

[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]



Campaign Image ID#

[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]



The Campaign Image Filename (at the time of upload) excluding the .extension

[Available for Banners only. Pops are sold by SiteID only]



The JuicyAds campaign ID#

[Available for Banners and Pops]



2-character Country Code, (ex: US, CA, TW)

[Available for Banners and Pops]



Unique Identification number for each click (31 characters)

  1. 2016090657ce3f40009809.96070516

[Available for Banners and Pops]



The cost per click (CPC) cost per impression (CPM) at the time of your click/impression ie. CPC $0.01 CPM $0.0001

[Available for Banners and Pops]


Macro Tags for Date and Time


The date of the transaction

[Available for Banners]



The hour of the transaction

[Available for Banners]


Macro Tags Related to Device and Connection



Connection Type; Wifi or Carrier

[Available for PopUnders only]



Device Type

[Available for PopUnders only]



Device OS: iOS, Android, etc..

[Available for PopUnders only]