New Features and Updates!

JuicyAds is pleased to announce the latest updates to its self-service platform with a wide range of new features and improved functionality.
The update introduces frictionless payments with a new secure credit card billing system featuring one-click billing without re-entering card details each time. A fully configurable automatic refill option can be enabled to reload your account when the balance gets low.
Easy and robust optimization is now possible with the Adsistant® beta now open to everyone wanting to use the rules-based optimization tool. In addition to powerful S2S postbacks, the tracking pixels system has been upgraded (and moved to new URLs), including new logging capabilities and manual insertion of traffic source identifiers like “zoneid.”
Advertisers and Publishers will find a refreshed dashboard, and more data and statistics have been added throughout the more efficient platform. There is a new consolidated publisher website and ad zones management area. Advertisers will enjoy a more straightforward banner ad image manager with fully retained data for deleted images, improved recommended bids for banner campaigns, better language and character support, and a powerful new “Manage My Ads” area with full date ranging, column sorting, and visualization of traffic data to quickly spot changes in your flat rate placements.
The marketplace has received a redesign with subtle new features, with a complete rebuild and launch to be announced in the coming weeks.
JuicyAds has also announced that the company is hiring for many positions, including software developers, with promises of unlimited vacations and remote work opportunities.
The new features and updates include:
Easier Payments
1.20.2: New secure credit card billing system with one-click billing without having to re-enter card details each time.
1.20.2: AutoRefill when your balance gets low (fully configurable)
Easy and Powerful Optimization
- Adsistant® Beta now available for everyone wanting to use the rules-based optimation tool.
- Tracking Pixels enhanced with more logging capabilities.
More Data, Statistics
Refreshed Dashboard for both Advertisers and Publishers.
Consolidated Publisher website and adzones management area.
1.20.7: Simpler banner image manager with fully retained data for deleted images.
- Improved recommended bids for Banner campaigns
Better Interface
New improved efficiencies in the interface
1.30.2 Better language character support for campaign text
1.30.6 New “Manage My Ads” area with full date ranging, column sorting, and visualization of traffic data to quickly spot changes in your flat rate placements.
Redesigned Marketplace
1.31.9 “New” icon highlights websites with new spots in the main marketplace filter.